Sunday, November 29, 2009

both space ships are still on course for earth

both the doggie rescue spacecraft and col taylor's space ship are maybe a few days journey the planet-earth of the year-1973.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

strange space crash landed on earth

doggie and human us.miltary space command got reports about sightings a strange spacecraft, with a lady ailen named lady gaga, she is one of the worst tastes of clothes that she wears, lady is from a solar system, outside's the planet earth's solar system, doggie and human black helicopters, along with 700 u.s navy destroyers and aircraft carrier who are in the ocean , where lady gaga's space ship crashed land, there are also be doggie u.s coast guard cutters and aircraft searching for her, before she make to Los Angeless cailf, and make humans and dogs run for cover.

these 2 space ships both passed through wormhole

the doggie rescue spaceship ,with some very doggie spacecrew men and along the very human space crew lead by col,taylor and also col taylor's spaceship, with 3 friendly apes named corniuls and zira and dr.milo have both passed through that time space warp -worm hole, both spaceships are on their return voyage home to the planet-earth of the year-1973.
it will take a few more days,before spaceships are with in orbit of the planet earth, of 1973.

Friday, November 20, 2009

both space ships have past through the wormhole.

the doggie rescue space ship and col taylor's space ship flown by dr.milo the ape, their 2 space craft past through that time space warp worm hole, those 2 space ships have flown back in time to the year 1973, they have to fly 300 million miles in outerspace in deep doggie sleep to be able to reach the planet ,earth of the year, 1973.

2nd rescue mission on stand by

doggie army hugley, a large group of u.s miltary women space crew men, led by molly, megan, nicole, ellie, jeri ryan, molly's amamda jones, and also jennifer garner called off her honeymoon, with her new doggie husband named sammy lamb the dog, who will be part of the flight crew of the rescue mission, to the planet earth of the year 3978, which will be all on stand by.

Monday, November 16, 2009

col taylor spacecraft just took off

col,taylor's spacecraft, which first crashed in the water,on the planet -earth in the year-3987, just blasted off , it take these apes named dr.milo, corneluis, and zira, a few minutes to fly col taylor's space craft of the orbit and atmostspere of the planet -earth in the 3987, to start their very long space journey, through the same time-space-warp worm, to the planet-earth of the year-1973.

the doggie rescue space craft just left the earth

the doggie rescue space craft, plioted the doggie mr.jeepers and human space crewman col,taylor, just left the orbit of the planet earth of the year-3987, to get ready to fly back through that time-space warp wormhole.

the doggie rescue space craft just took off.

the doggie rescue space craft, with the very brave doggies space crew, led mr jeepers, along with those very human space crewmen led by col taylor, the doggie rescue space craft, that they are in just blasted for their very long journey back the planet-earth of the year-1973.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

taylor's space ship just took off.

those friendly 3 apes named Cornelius ,Zira and Dr.Milo have just blasted off the area, where col.taylor's space ship crashed landed in the water.
col. taylor's space ship being by dr.milo, their space ship will be flown of the atmostspere of the planet -earth of the year-3978, they will flying col taylor's space ship on the same flight plan, from where it came from, they also be heading to planet earth of the year-1973.

everyone is onboard this rescue doggie spacecraft

mr.jeepers, freeway, leo, winston, luppy, ruffy , along with those human space crewmen, Col.Taylor, Landon, Dodge, Stewart,Brent and also Nova, everyone on this doggie rescue space ship, are all strapped their seats.
Col.Taylor ,will help mr.jeepers fly their rescue space ship from the pilots cabin.
freeway and all those very brave doggie space crew, along with those other human space crew are eating the doggie treats and chicken wings, before they all have take a very long rest break, for their very long space journey from the year -3987 to 1973.
once this doggie rescue space ship leaves the orbit of the planet earth of the future, before its blown up a nuclear weapon, their space ship has to fly through the same time space warp, to get back to their planet -earth of the year -1973, it will be a very long journey home.

Monday, November 2, 2009

col taylor's friend named Nova

col taylor asked mr.jeepers and freeway-the dogs, to help him, his good friend nova, who does not talk much, col taylor, think nova, rode her horse back in the direction , where the village, where the apes live.
the human space crewmen Landon, Dodge, Stewart, Brent and Maddox, are being helped get aboard that very large doggie rescue space ship, for their return trip to the planet earth of the year, 1973, the doggie crew, have to load their doggie land rover dune bugey and all their ex-doggie treats and bottled doggie water, it will take these very brave doggie u.s space crewmen all day and night, to get their space ship ready to blast off.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

mr.jeepers and freeway the dog, find col taylor.

after many days of looking along the beach coast, which used to new york city, before it was blown up and destroyed in a nuclear war, thousands of years ago, mr.jeepers, freeway, the dog, leo and ruffy the dogs, while riding on their horses, finally col taylor, landon, dodge, stewart, brent and maddox, trying to calm col taylor, down after watching col taylor yell and be very loud, yelling at the blown remains of the statue of liberty ,standing in the sand on the beach, with seaweed covering it.
winston,the dog and ruffy the dog start dog treats at col taylor, to stop yelling at the statue of liberty, and help get col taylor and all his friend human space crew men back on their horses, to start riding to the area on the beach, where that doggie u.s rescue space ship is waiting to fly them and those very doggie u.s space crewmen, so they can get ready for their return space flight back through the same time space warp ,back to the earth of 1973.

cornelius and zira tell where those crewmen are

those 2 very friendly apes named cornelius and zira, tell these very brave doggie space crewmen, led by mr.jeepers and freeway the dog, the location, where col.taylor, dodge, landon, stewart and brent and brent were last headed .
mr.jeepers and freeway,the dog, and the other brave doggie u.s space crewman say thank you to both the apes named cornelius and zira for their help.
after those friendly 2 apes named cornelius and zira, rode off on their horses, to a area, to a ape scientist named dr.milo, who all ride to the area, where col taylor 's spaceship crashed in the water, so the 3 of them, can pull it out of the water and help dr.milo fix col taylor's spaceship, so they can get that same space ship ready to blast from the planet of the year 3987, through the same time space warp, which col taylor's and space crewman brent's and that doggie us military rescue ships past through.
after a short period of dr.milo, the very help full ape scientist got done fixing and repairing and pulling out the sea, col taylor's space ship.
dr.milo and corneiuls and zira went aboard col taylor's space ship , for their very long space flight from the the planet earth, of the year 3987 , back in time , to the planet earth of the year, 1973, where u.s human and doggie marine will be waiting for col taylor's craft to splash down in the ocean, off the coast of los angeles,calif.
but dr.milo has get everyone strapped in and ready for blast off.