Thursday, October 8, 2009

the doggie rescue mission is now started

Mr, Jeepers and Freeway the dogs, along winston, Leo and Ruffy and the rest of the very brave doggie U.S Space Crewmen have got done unloading their doggie rescue space ship, with the needed doggie bottled water, dog treats, 12 packs of ice tea, plenty doggie sleeping bags, which were all put in stuffed in their very large and very big doggie back packs.
These very brave U.S Miltary Doggie space crewmen unloaded their ex-large doggie search and rescue doggie dune-buggie, to drive along the beach , coast line, trying to find those missing human U.S Space crewmen named Col.Taylor, Landon, Dodge, Stewart ,Brent and Maddox,who are still on the run, from from those very big and loud nasty Gorllas, who are trying to catch them.
Mr.Jeepers, Freeway, Winston, Ruffy and Leo and the rest of very brave doggie u.s space crewmen hope to reach and get to in time, our very brave and Human U.S Miltarty Space crewmen, led by Col. Taylor, before those nasty Gorllas get to them.

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