Sunday, December 6, 2009

major moo's aids macy moo and mac -the dogs

the doggie named major moo, had his personal doggie aids,named macy-moo and mac, with those other u.s human and doggie marines corps soliders on the beach.

the doggie named major moo will led the mission

a doggie named major moo, who is very loud and cranky, will led those well armed u.s marine hummers, in the mission, to arrest jessica simpson.

a doggie u.s marine corps unit led by major moo.

a group of u.s marnie corps well armed hummers will sent to the area on the beach, where jessica simpson is having a cookout.

jessica simpson on the beach, near area.

jessica simpson was spoted on the same beach, where the u.s miltary opreation is going on ,led by doggie and human u.s marine corps soliders, while waiting for those 2 space ships to splash down in the ocean.

both space crafts are in earth's atmossphere

both that doggie u.s milatary rescue spacecraft flown by the doggies named mr.jeepers and freeway the dog, along with col.taylor's space craft flown by 3 very friendly apes are getting ready to splash down, some where in the ocean, off the coast, from Los Angeless ,Califorina, to be both pulled out of the ocean, by a joint u.s marines-doggies and human group of soliders, on stand by on the beach, waiting for the command from u.s marine doggie general hugley, who is in charge.

col.taylor's spacecraft flown by friendy apes entering

col.taylor's space craft flown by 3 very smart and friendly apes named dr.milo, cornuios and zira are also ,entering the planet earth's atmosphere for reentry for splashed down in the ocean, off the coast , of Los Angeless, calif.

both spacecrafts entering earth's atmostsphere

the doggie rescue spacecraft, with the very brave doggies led by mr.jeepers and freeway ,the day, with those missing human space crewmen led by col. taylor and his fellow space crewmen are entering the planet earth atmosphere, right now.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

col.taylor's space craft is being readyed for landing.

Col.Taylor's Spacecraft being flown by 3 friendly apes, dr.milo, cornoius and zira, are getting col.taylor's spacecraft to enter the planet earth of the year -1973, atmosphere, to begin preperrations to crash land in ocean, off the coast, from Los Angeless ,Calif,, near where the alien spacecraft, which had the alien named lady gaga in , crash landing in the ocean, which was pulled out of the ocean, by doggie and human u.s mitary personal, to help find needed clues where the alien named lady gaga is hiding, so she be captured by the u.s mitary or by doggie and human F.B.I Agents, who are both trying to find and arrest her for wearing really weird and strange types of clothes.

the doggie rescue space craft entered earth's orbit.

the doggie rescue space craft, with very brave doggies on it, mr.jeepers, freeway,the dog, ruffy and leo,the dog, winston and also,theo,the dogs , along with those missing human space crewmen, col.taylor, Landon, Dodge, Stewart,Brent and Maddox and the female human named Nova, who Col.Taylor told how to talk like humans, are all on board , getting ready to re-enter the planet earth's atmostsphere in the year -1973, to have their doggie spacecraft splash down in the ocean, off the coast of Los Angeless, calif, to be pulled out of the ocean, by waiting doggie and human u.s marine corps troops, that are both waiting on the beach, ready to be giving the command by u.s doggie general hugzay, at doggie-human- space command center in Houston, tx.

Friday, December 4, 2009

both space craft are in earth's orbit

both the doggie rescue spaceship,with mr.jeepers and freeway,the dog, leo and ruffy the dogs, along with those very brave human space crewmen led by col taylor, their space ship entering earth's orbit, ready to crash land in the ocean,off the coast of Los Angeless Calif, to a very welcome by a groups of doggie and human u.s marines, waiting to pull their space ship to shore.
col taylor's spacecraft, flown the ape named dr.milo and along for the the very friendly apes named corinulas and ziara.
lady gaga spaceship was pull out of the ocean, but lady gaga ,was not found in her spaceship.
she most likely got a heilcopter by lex luthor.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

both space ships are still on course for earth

both the doggie rescue spacecraft and col taylor's space ship are maybe a few days journey the planet-earth of the year-1973.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

strange space crash landed on earth

doggie and human us.miltary space command got reports about sightings a strange spacecraft, with a lady ailen named lady gaga, she is one of the worst tastes of clothes that she wears, lady is from a solar system, outside's the planet earth's solar system, doggie and human black helicopters, along with 700 u.s navy destroyers and aircraft carrier who are in the ocean , where lady gaga's space ship crashed land, there are also be doggie u.s coast guard cutters and aircraft searching for her, before she make to Los Angeless cailf, and make humans and dogs run for cover.

these 2 space ships both passed through wormhole

the doggie rescue spaceship ,with some very doggie spacecrew men and along the very human space crew lead by col,taylor and also col taylor's spaceship, with 3 friendly apes named corniuls and zira and dr.milo have both passed through that time space warp -worm hole, both spaceships are on their return voyage home to the planet-earth of the year-1973.
it will take a few more days,before spaceships are with in orbit of the planet earth, of 1973.

Friday, November 20, 2009

both space ships have past through the wormhole.

the doggie rescue space ship and col taylor's space ship flown by dr.milo the ape, their 2 space craft past through that time space warp worm hole, those 2 space ships have flown back in time to the year 1973, they have to fly 300 million miles in outerspace in deep doggie sleep to be able to reach the planet ,earth of the year, 1973.

2nd rescue mission on stand by

doggie army hugley, a large group of u.s miltary women space crew men, led by molly, megan, nicole, ellie, jeri ryan, molly's amamda jones, and also jennifer garner called off her honeymoon, with her new doggie husband named sammy lamb the dog, who will be part of the flight crew of the rescue mission, to the planet earth of the year 3978, which will be all on stand by.

Monday, November 16, 2009

col taylor spacecraft just took off

col,taylor's spacecraft, which first crashed in the water,on the planet -earth in the year-3987, just blasted off , it take these apes named dr.milo, corneluis, and zira, a few minutes to fly col taylor's space craft of the orbit and atmostspere of the planet -earth in the 3987, to start their very long space journey, through the same time-space-warp worm, to the planet-earth of the year-1973.

the doggie rescue space craft just left the earth

the doggie rescue space craft, plioted the doggie mr.jeepers and human space crewman col,taylor, just left the orbit of the planet earth of the year-3987, to get ready to fly back through that time-space warp wormhole.

the doggie rescue space craft just took off.

the doggie rescue space craft, with the very brave doggies space crew, led mr jeepers, along with those very human space crewmen led by col taylor, the doggie rescue space craft, that they are in just blasted for their very long journey back the planet-earth of the year-1973.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

taylor's space ship just took off.

those friendly 3 apes named Cornelius ,Zira and Dr.Milo have just blasted off the area, where col.taylor's space ship crashed landed in the water.
col. taylor's space ship being by dr.milo, their space ship will be flown of the atmostspere of the planet -earth of the year-3978, they will flying col taylor's space ship on the same flight plan, from where it came from, they also be heading to planet earth of the year-1973.

everyone is onboard this rescue doggie spacecraft

mr.jeepers, freeway, leo, winston, luppy, ruffy , along with those human space crewmen, Col.Taylor, Landon, Dodge, Stewart,Brent and also Nova, everyone on this doggie rescue space ship, are all strapped their seats.
Col.Taylor ,will help mr.jeepers fly their rescue space ship from the pilots cabin.
freeway and all those very brave doggie space crew, along with those other human space crew are eating the doggie treats and chicken wings, before they all have take a very long rest break, for their very long space journey from the year -3987 to 1973.
once this doggie rescue space ship leaves the orbit of the planet earth of the future, before its blown up a nuclear weapon, their space ship has to fly through the same time space warp, to get back to their planet -earth of the year -1973, it will be a very long journey home.

Monday, November 2, 2009

col taylor's friend named Nova

col taylor asked mr.jeepers and freeway-the dogs, to help him, his good friend nova, who does not talk much, col taylor, think nova, rode her horse back in the direction , where the village, where the apes live.
the human space crewmen Landon, Dodge, Stewart, Brent and Maddox, are being helped get aboard that very large doggie rescue space ship, for their return trip to the planet earth of the year, 1973, the doggie crew, have to load their doggie land rover dune bugey and all their ex-doggie treats and bottled doggie water, it will take these very brave doggie u.s space crewmen all day and night, to get their space ship ready to blast off.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

mr.jeepers and freeway the dog, find col taylor.

after many days of looking along the beach coast, which used to new york city, before it was blown up and destroyed in a nuclear war, thousands of years ago, mr.jeepers, freeway, the dog, leo and ruffy the dogs, while riding on their horses, finally col taylor, landon, dodge, stewart, brent and maddox, trying to calm col taylor, down after watching col taylor yell and be very loud, yelling at the blown remains of the statue of liberty ,standing in the sand on the beach, with seaweed covering it.
winston,the dog and ruffy the dog start dog treats at col taylor, to stop yelling at the statue of liberty, and help get col taylor and all his friend human space crew men back on their horses, to start riding to the area on the beach, where that doggie u.s rescue space ship is waiting to fly them and those very doggie u.s space crewmen, so they can get ready for their return space flight back through the same time space warp ,back to the earth of 1973.

cornelius and zira tell where those crewmen are

those 2 very friendly apes named cornelius and zira, tell these very brave doggie space crewmen, led by mr.jeepers and freeway the dog, the location, where col.taylor, dodge, landon, stewart and brent and brent were last headed .
mr.jeepers and freeway,the dog, and the other brave doggie u.s space crewman say thank you to both the apes named cornelius and zira for their help.
after those friendly 2 apes named cornelius and zira, rode off on their horses, to a area, to a ape scientist named dr.milo, who all ride to the area, where col taylor 's spaceship crashed in the water, so the 3 of them, can pull it out of the water and help dr.milo fix col taylor's spaceship, so they can get that same space ship ready to blast from the planet of the year 3987, through the same time space warp, which col taylor's and space crewman brent's and that doggie us military rescue ships past through.
after a short period of dr.milo, the very help full ape scientist got done fixing and repairing and pulling out the sea, col taylor's space ship.
dr.milo and corneiuls and zira went aboard col taylor's space ship , for their very long space flight from the the planet earth, of the year 3987 , back in time , to the planet earth of the year, 1973, where u.s human and doggie marine will be waiting for col taylor's craft to splash down in the ocean, off the coast of los angeles,calif.
but dr.milo has get everyone strapped in and ready for blast off.

Monday, October 26, 2009

corneluis and zira meet jeepers and freeway

our very doggie space crewmen finllaly meet our missing human space crewmen ape friends, cornelius and zira who riding their 2 horses back the village, where all the apes and those very nasty and very loud and very violent gorillas live and hunt.
these very brave doggie space crewmen led by mr.jeepers and freeway the dog, are trying to find out from the friendly apes named cornelius and zira, if they know which way those very brave human space crewmen led by Col Taylor, and where he and his fellow human space crewmen are heading to, so mr.jeepers and freeway,the dog, and their very doggie u.s space crewmen, can out where, Col.Taylor, Landon, Dodge, Stewart , Brent and Maddox, so they all can found, rescued by these very brave doggie u.s space crewmen, so they can fly back in their very ex-large doggie u.s space rescue craft back into outer space and all fly through that same time-space warp, back to the planet ,earth in the year 1973, so can be greeted with a very warm welcome by groups doggie and human u.s marine troops, that be waiting their return trip home.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

the doggie rescue mission is now started

Mr, Jeepers and Freeway the dogs, along winston, Leo and Ruffy and the rest of the very brave doggie U.S Space Crewmen have got done unloading their doggie rescue space ship, with the needed doggie bottled water, dog treats, 12 packs of ice tea, plenty doggie sleeping bags, which were all put in stuffed in their very large and very big doggie back packs.
These very brave U.S Miltary Doggie space crewmen unloaded their ex-large doggie search and rescue doggie dune-buggie, to drive along the beach , coast line, trying to find those missing human U.S Space crewmen named Col.Taylor, Landon, Dodge, Stewart ,Brent and Maddox,who are still on the run, from from those very big and loud nasty Gorllas, who are trying to catch them.
Mr.Jeepers, Freeway, Winston, Ruffy and Leo and the rest of very brave doggie u.s space crewmen hope to reach and get to in time, our very brave and Human U.S Miltarty Space crewmen, led by Col. Taylor, before those nasty Gorllas get to them.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

this very big and very large doggie u.s miltiatary rescue space ship just land on the planet earth of the year 3987

the very large and very big doggie u.s miltary rescue space ship landed ,along the beach, on the planet earth of the year 3987, near the beach area, where u.s human space crewman named col. taylor ,was riding the horse , with his friend, named nova, who not learn to talk till later, the other human u.s spacemen named Landon ,Dodge, Steward, Brent and Maddox, were all riding on horses, along side Col Taylor, which were given to them all by 2 very friendly Apes named -
-Cornelius and Zira, who had to get back on their 2 horses and ride away, before the very nasty and very big and very loud Gorllas would find them and catch them.
later on our very brave u.s miltary human Astronauts named would soon find and come across ,finding the statue of Liberty ,submerged in the shoreline, figureing out, that they crashed landed their space ship on their own Planet Earth, in the year 3987, and also figuring out the planet Earth was blown up and destroyed in a nuclear war, during the 1970's, when they were on their space mission.

Our very brave u.s Doggie Space crewmen led mr.jeepers and freeway the dog, were helping the other brave u.s doggie space crewmen unload their very big doggie rescue space ship, with their needed doggie treats, bottled doggie water, doggie life rafts, and also doggie hand guns and machine guns, which are loaded with doggie biscuts, which will used to shot at those very nasty and big Gorllas, so they can start searching for col taylor, Landon, Dodge and those very brave other u.s miltary human crew men, who trying to get away from the Gorllas.

Friday, October 2, 2009

this very big doggie rescue ship is now getting ready to land on the planet earth of the year-3987.

these very brave group of doggie astronants led by mr.jeepers and freeway the dog, woke up from their very long doggie rest break, to get their very large doggie rescue space ship ready to land on this planet earth of the year-3987, to start their very long doggie search and rescue mission of the missing and stranded human u.s miltary Astronants, who were led and commaned by Col Taylor, along with the other human u.s miltary Astronants named Landon, Dodge, Steward, Brent and Maddox ,who on the run, trying to get away from a group of very loud and very big and very mean gorillas who really want to catch these group of u.s human astronants really bad.

back on that very large and very big doggie rescue space ship, the other doggie crewmen also onboard, woke up from their very long doggie rest break.
doggie space crewmen named leo and ruffy are sitting in their very safe doggie safety seats, with their doggie seat belts on, all ready for both both doggie pilot and co-pilots mr.jeepers and freeway -the dog, to start setting the controls of their doggie rescue space ship ,to start getting their space ship ready to land on a very area, on the planet of the earth, of the year-3987, where-they are no nasty and very big and very loud gorillas, in the area, where they plan to land ,their very big doggie rescue space ship, so these group of very brave doggie astronauts ,-
-can start their very long doggie search and rescue.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

this very big doggie rescue ship is entering the orbit

this very big doggie rescue space ship is entering the orbit of the planet earth of the year-3978.
it will take a very long time to safety land the ship.

Monday, September 28, 2009

the doggie space crew are in the future.

after a few days of deep doggie rest breaks, this doggie rescue space ship ,commaned and led by-
-mr.jeepers and freeway the dog, their doggie space craft has passed through the same time-space warp, those very brave stranded and missing u.s mitary human space crew ,on the future in the year 3987.
all the other doggie space crewmen has got done taken their very doggie rest breaks, doggie crewmen leo and ruffy are drinking lots of doggie water and space dog treats.
the doggies named mr.jeepers and freeway and the rest of their very brave doggie space crew, are in range of the planet earth of the year 3987, once their doggie space ship is orbit of the earth of the future, they get their doggie space ship, ready to land on the earth of the 3987, to start their very long and silly search and rescue of u.s human space crewmen named Col Taylor, Landon, Dodge, Steward and Brent and Maddox, who are still being chased by those very nasty and big and loud gorllas.

Friday, September 25, 2009

jeepers and freeways rescue mission on its way to the future planet earth

the dogs named mr.jeepers and freeway are at the control pilot's room of their doggie space ship,-all the other very brave doggie crewmen are all ready taken their long doggie rest breaks for their very long doggie space flight and journey to the planet earth in the year 3989, to find ,save and search ,find and rescue those very brave 6 Human u.s Astronauts named col.taylor, Dodge, Landon, Stewart ,Brent and Maddox who are the run from a very group of very loud and crazy Gorllas.
Doggie u.s space crewman named mr.jeepers and freeway, will turn on set the space ship's -
auto-pilot, while these 2 other very doggie space crew take their very long doggie rest break, intill, after their doggie space ship passes through forward through the same time-space warp,-
which both col taylor's and astronaut brent space ships passed and went through.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

getting ready to launch and send up doggie rescue space craft.

these very brave group of doggie space crewmen are all ready in their very large and very big ,-
-doggie rescue space , all ready in their doggie space craft seats, wearing their doggie space suits,-and doggie space helmuts, these 7 very brave Doggie Space Crewmen, named Mr.Jeepers,Scooter,Theo,Freeway,Leo,Ruffy,Winston and Francis are sitting in their seats in -
-inside their very big Doggie Space Craft, waiting for permission from U.S Miltary Doggie Mission Control , to blast into outer-space , for their very long and dangerous rescue mission,-
-into a time-space warp, to forward in to the earth in of the future, in the year,-3978, to search,-
-find and rescue and bring back the 2 human space craft crews led by col.taylor and someone,-
-named Brent, along with those other missing and stranded human crew members named, -Landon, Dodge, Steward and Maddox.

The doggies working and running the Doggie U.S. mission Control , who is run by and is command of, is named doggie Lt. Commander named hugley, who turns on the doggie commutcations controls and tell the doggie named mr.jeepers ,he has permission to blast -
-off and launch his very large doggie space rescue craft into outer space, and fly the same-
-time-warp path and journey into the time-space warp, which col taylor's and u.s human space-
-crewman named flew their both their space craft through to the planet earth of the year -3978.
Mr.jeepers blasted off and launched their very large doggie u.s miltary rescue space craft from -
-the launch pad ,into the sky.

After about 30 minutes, mr.jeepers doggie rescue space craft was starting to leave the planet,-
-Earth's orbit, on his way, with his very brave and loud doggie space crewmen flying deep in-
-to outer space, trying to find the same timewarp ,the crews of 2 missing space crafts took to fly,through that same timewarp path and journey.
back U.S. Miltary Doggie space comannd center, Lt.Col hugley, Major and Macy-Moo and Mac-,
-the dogs, were running around barking at each other and throwing many dog treats at each other.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

jeepers and freeway the dogs and the rest of their brave space crew

Doggie U.S. Space Crewmen, jeepers and freeway the dogs and the rest of their brave doggie space crew are loading up their very space ship, with enough doggie space craft fuel for their very long doggie space flight and journey from the earth of the 1973, into a very nasty time-space warp to the year of 3997, to find a very safe place to land their very large space craft on the-earth of the future, which was left barren with human major cities, becasuse of nasty nuclear war, which was not casused by doggies.
other doggie u.s space crew helpers named theo and hudson the doggies are loading lots of ex-dog treats and ex-things of doggie water, for their very long doggie space flight and journey, to bring back and rescue are very brace and human u.s space crewmen , lost in the future.

the dogs named jeepers,freeway and leo and ruffy space rescue mission

the united states space program will be getting ready to lanch and blast-off the same type of space crafts, which col.taylor's and astronants brent and maddox used in their space flight to the-planet earth of the year 3979.
this united states space program launch center is based outside, Miami ,florida, it was build by -
-united states doggie and human space personal.
the doggie named blackie is in charge of this doggie run United States space program, and will be-, running this very dangerouis doggie space flight and rescue mission of our very human U.S-
-astronants, who have been lost in space.
the last transmissions from our very brave human space crewmen, named that space crew named-Brent , sent a message, he was getting ready to land on the planet earth of the year-3979, their was a very loud nosie in the back ground of the radio transmission, which space crew-man Brent's space craft crashed landed on that planet, sent to rescue and bring back-fellow,- human U.S Astronants, named col,Taylor, Dodge, Landon, Stewart, Brent and Maddox, from the planet earth of the 3979, which both their space craft from the Human ,U.S mission,-
-control space center, in Houston, tx.