Monday, September 28, 2009

the doggie space crew are in the future.

after a few days of deep doggie rest breaks, this doggie rescue space ship ,commaned and led by-
-mr.jeepers and freeway the dog, their doggie space craft has passed through the same time-space warp, those very brave stranded and missing u.s mitary human space crew ,on the future in the year 3987.
all the other doggie space crewmen has got done taken their very doggie rest breaks, doggie crewmen leo and ruffy are drinking lots of doggie water and space dog treats.
the doggies named mr.jeepers and freeway and the rest of their very brave doggie space crew, are in range of the planet earth of the year 3987, once their doggie space ship is orbit of the earth of the future, they get their doggie space ship, ready to land on the earth of the 3987, to start their very long and silly search and rescue of u.s human space crewmen named Col Taylor, Landon, Dodge, Steward and Brent and Maddox, who are still being chased by those very nasty and big and loud gorllas.

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