Tuesday, September 22, 2009

jeepers and freeway the dogs and the rest of their brave space crew

Doggie U.S. Space Crewmen, jeepers and freeway the dogs and the rest of their brave doggie space crew are loading up their very space ship, with enough doggie space craft fuel for their very long doggie space flight and journey from the earth of the 1973, into a very nasty time-space warp to the year of 3997, to find a very safe place to land their very large space craft on the-earth of the future, which was left barren with human major cities, becasuse of nasty nuclear war, which was not casused by doggies.
other doggie u.s space crew helpers named theo and hudson the doggies are loading lots of ex-dog treats and ex-things of doggie water, for their very long doggie space flight and journey, to bring back and rescue are very brace and human u.s space crewmen , lost in the future.

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