Friday, September 25, 2009

jeepers and freeways rescue mission on its way to the future planet earth

the dogs named mr.jeepers and freeway are at the control pilot's room of their doggie space ship,-all the other very brave doggie crewmen are all ready taken their long doggie rest breaks for their very long doggie space flight and journey to the planet earth in the year 3989, to find ,save and search ,find and rescue those very brave 6 Human u.s Astronauts named col.taylor, Dodge, Landon, Stewart ,Brent and Maddox who are the run from a very group of very loud and crazy Gorllas.
Doggie u.s space crewman named mr.jeepers and freeway, will turn on set the space ship's -
auto-pilot, while these 2 other very doggie space crew take their very long doggie rest break, intill, after their doggie space ship passes through forward through the same time-space warp,-
which both col taylor's and astronaut brent space ships passed and went through.

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